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Untainted (set of 3)

Regular price $19.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.99 USD
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Introducing our Manifestation Waistbeads called UNTAINTED – a unique celebration of untainted childlike energy! Dive into the realm of unbridled creativity, where the worries of others' opinions fade away, and the joy of pursuing your true passions takes center stage.

These waistbeads are more than just a beautiful accessory; they are a gateway to tapping into the carefree spirit of your inner child. Let go of worldly pressures and embrace the freedom to explore without overthinking, just like you did in the days when your imagination knew no bounds.

Reconnect with the passions that may have dimmed over time, buried beneath the responsibilities of adulthood. Our manifestation waistbeads serve as a tangible reminder to rekindle those dreams, to dance to the rhythm of your own creative impulses.

Wear these beads with pride, as a symbol of reclaiming your untainted childlike energy. Let them be a testament to your commitment to living authentically and passionately, without the constraints of judgment or societal expectations.

Rediscover the magic within you with our Manifestation Waistbeads UNTAINTED– because sometimes, the most profound creativity lies in the simplicity of embracing the childlike wonder that resides in us all.


+ You can accept or reject this manifestation once your items are received 

+ This is a traditionally tied waistbead

+ Set of 3 


Shipping takes about 3-5 business days . Handmade items take 5-10 days.

Size Chart